

Matt Howard

Matthew J. Howard is the founder and Chief Executive Officer of Howard-Martin Capital Group (HMCG), a registered investment advisory and investment management firm located and operating primarily in the northeastern United States. Mr. Howard obtained his master’s degree in Molecular Biology from Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. Mr. Howard oversees IT operations at Omar Consulting Group.

Matt Howard

Kenneth Duchin, PhD

Ken is an experienced clinical pharmacologist with extensive drug development experience in a broad range of therapeutic areas (e.g., oncology, urology, diabetes, CNS, CV, GI). He has lead several registration programs and authored regulatory documents to support IND, NDA and ANDA. Ken received his doctorate in pharmacology from College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey PhD — Pharmacology. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in physiology at the University of Colorado Medical Center.

Kenneth Duchin, PhD

Julie Crider, PhD

Dr. Crider holds a PhD in Pharmacology from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas. She worked in ophthalmic pharmaceutical industry for over 20 years as a bench scientist, senior medical writer, and publications manager. Dr. Crider holds Core, Advanced, and Regulatory/Research certifications with the American Medical Writers Association. Her expertise spans a number of different therapeutic areas including allergy, ophthalmology, cardiovascular disease, dermatology, diabetes, and emergency medicine.

Julie Crider, PhD

Cheryl L. Rowe-Rendleman, PhD, Founder

Dr. Cheryl Rowe-Rendleman, a clinical development expert with over 15 years experience in pharma, founded Omar Consultants and served as CEO of the company from 2005 to early 2021. Dr. Rowe-Rendleman graduated from Princeton University and completed her doctorate at the University of Houston. She completed postdoctoral fellowships in developmental and degenerative diseases at respectively, University of Texas Medical School and University of San Francisco Medical School.

Cheryl L. Rowe-Rendleman, PhD, Founder