April 15, 2021

A New Experience!

Aspiring graduate student Nneoma Nzeduru attends her first ABRCMs

From the moment my mentor Cheryl Rowe-Rendleman, sparked my interest in attending the Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Scientists (ABRCMS), I knew that I was in for a life changing experience. In the days leading to the conference, I was a bit nervous to step into a conference on my own, unsure of what to expect from the colleagues and professionals I would meet at ABRCMS. Now, post-ABRCMS 2019, I’m grateful that I had the opportunity to engage with so many successful and down-to-earth professionals and colleagues who, like myself, were representatives of minority in STEM.

Nneoma with mentor Dr. Cheryl L. Rowe Rendleman, CEO Omar Consulting Group

My first day at the conference was nothing short of excellent. I started off at the buffet breakfast seated at a table with six other students who politely introduced themselves to me. Once we got past the typical pleasantries, we began to dive deep into our academic pursuits, dreams, hopes and desires. I bonded over medical application strategies with a fellow colleague from a small school in Nashville and before I knew it, she exposed me to a new and helpful resource that would help me develop an efficient MCAT prep study strategy. I don’t think she realized how much the simple resource she shared with me is changing my life and the way I prepare for my future.

Another encounter that made an imprint of my life happened my last day at ABRCMS. After listening to an insightful speech by the journalist Soledad O’Brien, I was leaving the presentation hall when two random women asked me to get coffee with them. Without hesitation, I accepted, and I found myself having a two hour long conversation with these women who I discovered have similar paths and dreams like mine. Both women were hardworking and thriving as PhD students and also found time to engage in their non-academic passions like modelling, establishing a cosmetic line and facilitating an NGO. These women taught me the importance of hard work, determination, balance and persistence. I am thankful that ABRCMS brought us together.

The connections I made at ARBCMS 2019 were life changing and I am so thankful I had the opportunity to attend ABRCMS this year. I will definitely be back at ABRCMS next year to fill my mind with knowledge and build connections that will fill my soul with wisdom and resources.

Postscript: This year, 2020, is the year of Coronavirus. ABRCMS 2020 like so many other conferences was virtual on November 9-13. This conference that usually attracts 3500 students, faculty and program officer representing very state, territory and US protectorate found itself limited to 7 hours of virtual programming from 12 noon to 7 pm. Each day contained a 30 minute on-line chat by subject interest. Considering how deeply COVID has affected students and people of color, we are grateful that ABRCMS was available in this format. Date and place for ABRCMS 2021 has not yet been announced.